Google Spreadsheets to OpenERP Data Pump

A tool for organizing, managing and pumping libraries of raw data from Google Spreadsheets into OpenERP V7's XMLRPC channel.

This project is maintained by martinhbramwell

GData OpenERP Data Pump


A very simple tool for feeding Google Spreadsheet data into the XMLRPC channel of OpenERP V7.

The goal is to facilitate controlling OpenERP instances from command line and DevOps tools (such as,, etc. )

As much as possible, it uses third party tools to hide the complexity of XMLRPC and Google's and OpenERP's APIs:

The overview diagram shows the main parts of the pump's operation.

This detail diagram shows the usage the pump makes of the columns in the controller sheets: creds, tasks and parms.

There is a sample controller (OpenErpGDataController) and a sample model (OpenErpGDataModel) (TODO: test copying with Excel &/or Libre Office)

The overall action is a dispatcher within a dispatcher; the outer dispatcher instantiates classes named in column A of the tasks sheet while the inner dispatcher calls the methods of the class that have been named in the Action Step cells of the same row.




- Currently Available Tasks
- Main Steps

First time execution

Minimal Module Example

Model Sheets

- ResCountryState example
- ResUsers example

Repeat executions


- Some useful documentation
- Link to home site
- Credits


Currently Available Tasks

Main Steps

In more detail, the action is:

  1. connect to Google
  2. connect to OpenERP using the credentials from the creds sheet
  3. get a row from the tasks sheet
  4. from the parms sheet, get the two-row range indicated in the Parameter Block cell of the tasks sheet row
  5. instantiate the class specified by the Model Class column, passing in the above parameter block row
  6. read from one of the Action Step columns the name of one the class's methods, only if the corresponding bit in the Incomplete bit map is set to 1, and the same bit in the Complete bit map is cleared to 0, otherwise skip to the next one. If both bits are 0 or both are 1, an error has occured
  7. clear the Incomplete bit to 0
  8. execute the indicated method
  9. set the Complete bit to 1
  10. repeat for each Action Step method, for as many as indicated in the Length cell
  11. repeat for each Model Class

The remote procedures you can call are documented here : ORM and models


First time execution

You will need to install the earlier mentioned third party tools:


Please see the installation instructions in "How to prepare prerequisites for the installation process."

The video Google Spreadsheets to OpenERP Data Pump: Step #1 Installation might help, but note that it is quite out of date now.

You will have to make a private copy of the two examples (OpenErpGDataController and OpenErpGDataModel). Don't try to use the originals. It won't work. The pump refers to the controller workbook by means of its search key and it, in turn, needs the search key of the model workbook. Since you'll have made copies of both you'll need to be sure you use the correct keys.

With that complete you can then run. . .

/opt/GData_OpenERP_Data_Pump$ ./

. . . to get . . .

usage: [-h] [-p USER_PWD] [-u USER_ID] key error: too few arguments

The missing parameters are the access credentials for the OpenErpGDataController

Thus a valid call would be . . .

/opt/GData_OpenERP_Data_Pump$ ./ -u yourgoogleid -p yourgooglepwd "0AiVG6SoU001RdFdyc1NxOHN4eWZ6Q0lLMHVyWUpkaHc"

However, to avoid UID and PWD from appearing in the command line, will record those values in the file .gdataCreds that has the form :

{"user_id": "yourgoogleid", "user_pwd": "yourgooglepwd"} 

When that file exists the command line can be, simply . . .

/opt/GData_OpenERP_Data_Pump$ ./ "0AiVG6SoU001RdFdyc1NxOHN4eWZ6Q0lLMHVyWUpkaHc"

See the section Repeat Execution below to learn how to get fine grained control of which Action Steps are executed or skipped.


Minimal Module Example

There is a minimal example with a single method, in GitHub, which the OpenErpGDataController example uses.

The design of the pump allows you to add easily, one or more of your own Model Class handlers. They will inherit from ./models/ Everything that can be handled in the parent class of the handlers is handled there. Apart from the few print statements, there are no unnecessary lines. A few things have to be done in the child classes so a small amount of code duplication results.

The best way to make a new one is to adapt the Minimal Module Example to your needs.

In the spreadsheets, it's easiest and safest to copy the MinimalModuleExample rows and edit them. Pay attention to which cells have formulas (grey background); you don't want to alter them.

You have to make sure of four things:

  1. there is a row in the tasks sheet that has the name of your class in column A
  2. the names in the Action Step columns in that row match the names of methods of your class
  3. there is a 2-row parameter block in the parms sheet with keys above and values below that are understood by your class methods
  4. the Parameter Block cell correctly identifies the 2-row range

The customization steps are:


Model Sheets

Based on the pattern of loading name/value pairs into a dictionary, and passing the dictionary to a method, there is really no limit to what the called method can be made to do.

Note: The parms sheet and Python code could be made more intelligent about deriving row and column ranges from source data sheets. Rightly or wrongly, I decided that it was wise to leave that responsibility with users.


ResCountryState example provides a complete example of a high speed data load operation. The goal is to collect the correct data for the openerplib command user_model.load(fields, data).

In the tasks sheet, of OpenErpGDataController, the row containing the class name ResCountryState provides the method to be called (load) and the range in the parms sheet where the parameters for load can be found. In the tasks sheet, the row containing the class name ResCountryState provides the key names, and the following row provides the values, to be added to the dictionary that will be passed to load.

The keys/values have the following signfications:

The code is as follows :

def load(self, parms):

    # Loading to the OpenERP model ''
    wkbk = OErpModel.gDataConnection.open_by_key(parms['docs_key'])

    # Obtaining data from the sheet '' . . . 
    wksht = wkbk.worksheet(parms['docs_sheet'])

    # . . . in the range A2:C14
    dictRange = super(ResCountryState, self).getCellsRange(wksht, parms['range'])

    # With titles from the first row of the sheet . . . 
    fields = wksht.row_values(int(parms['titles_row']))

    # . . . and data from ensuing rows
    data = super(ResCountryState, self).groupToArray(3, [cell.value for cell in wksht.range(parms['range'])])

    # Get the model for loading . . . 
    user_model = OErpModel.openErpConnection.get_model(OPENERP_MODULE_NAME)

    # . . . and load it.
    user_model.load(fields, data)


ResUsers example

The class in shows a simple update of a single model record. It has no need to pull lots of data, so the parms page can provide what is needed directly.

def update(self, parms):

    # Will update the OpenERP model 'res.user'
    user_model = OErpModel.openErpConnection.get_model(OPENERP_MODULE_NAME)

    # Obtain an array of record ids that match the selection criteria (only one in this case)
    thisUser =[("login", "=", parms['login'])])[0]

    # Read the existing data (only what we need)
    nameUser =, ["name"])["name"]
    print "Login " + parms['login'] + " -- " + nameUser

    # Write it back out with update applied
    for key  in parms:
        if key not in ("ResUsers", "login"):    # Ignore the record key attribute
            val = OErpModel.parseSpecial(self, parms[key]) 
            print 'Writing : (User : {}, "{}":"{}") from "{}"'.format(nameUser, key, val, parms[key])
            user_model.write(thisUser, {key:val})
            print 'Written'


Repeat executions

In each child class of there should be calls to the parent class methods, starting and finished just before and just after the call to an Action Step, like this:

super(MinimalModuleExample, self).starting(idx)


super(MinimalModuleExample, self).finished(idx)

These calls update the Bit Maps cells Complete and Incomplete.

You can set the values in those two columns manually, but keep an eye on the last four Binary columns.

They don't actually do anything, instead they are there to aid in seeing whether the right bits are set to enable only the required Action Steps. The Pump itself also modifies those cells, clearing the Incomplete bit to 0, when starting an Action Step, and setting the Complete bit to 1 when the Action Step is finished.

The Chk column will turn red and indicate a discrepancy if the Complete and Incomplete bits do not add up to the Length value. If you set those values with a discrepancy yourself, and ignore the red flag, then the Pump will throw an error when you run it. Also, if a discrepancy shows after the Pump ran, then you know it experienced some other sort of error and could not complete the indicated step.

The execution of an example with five Action Steps and Complete and Incomplete set to 27 and 4 respectively would produce a result log file like this:

Task#1 uses the module "MinimalModuleExample".
Processing task #1
Task parameters found in range "A4:B5".
    #1 Skipping "chkTask"!
    #2 Skipping "chkTask"!
    #3 Doing "chkTask" now.
Task check for key "first_parm" found : "dummy"!
    #4 Skipping "chkTask"!
    #5 Skipping "chkTask"!



Some useful documentation

Link to home site


  1. Some ideas pilfered from here
  2. Code developed and run on a ´KVM 7´ from the so_great_you_cannot_believe_it VPS service of
  3. Editing done through the really cool browser based IDE
